Audit General Releases Agile Audit of Lansdowne 2.0 Redevelopment

Audit General Releases Agile Audit of Lansdowne 2.0 Redevelopment

Ottawa – Today, the Auditor General, Nathalie Gougeon, published Sprint 1 of her Agile Audit of the Lansdowne 2.0 Redevelopment. The first audit sprint focused on the financial proposal presented to City Council in November 2023 and the associated due diligence.  The audit report will be presented to the Audit Committee on June 24th.  For more details, please visit the OAG's website: Lansdowne 2.0 - Office of the Auditor General | City of Ottawa (

Please note that the Auditor General is not at liberty to answer questions on this report until after it has been tabled at the Audit Committee.

A full copy of the report is available on the Auditor General’s website at:

For more information: 
613 580-9602 

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