Audit of Job Evaluation Processes, Limited Review of OC Transpo Bus Operator Compliance with Regulations, Cybersecurity Investigation
Ottawa – Today, Auditor General Nathalie Gougeon tabled the Review of Job Evaluation Processes, which was undertaken following a report to the City’s Fraud and Waste Hotline. Job evaluation is a mechanism used to establish the value or worth of jobs within an organization. The fundamental principles of job evaluation are to ensure objectivity, independence and neutrality in the assessment of all jobs.
The review found that there is a need to strengthen the governance and control mechanisms within the job evaluation function to ensure it supports objectivity and independence, while adhering to job evaluation principles and best practices, including:
- Formalizing the job evaluation quality assurance/challenge activities;
- Ensuring all jobs are reviewed by the independent Rating Committee; and
- Embedding additional oversight for internal Human Resources jobs.
There are nine recommendations and management agreed with all of them.
In addition, Mme Gougeon tabled the Limited Review of OC Transpo Bus Operator Compliance with Regulations. Over the past eight months, over 400 reports, similar in nature, were received through the Fraud and Waste Hotline, alleging violations of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and City of Ottawa policies and procedures. Based on limited on-site review, for most buses observed (67%), some Bus Operators did not signal as they departed the bus stop at one intersection being observed. A recommendation was made to develop a strategy (including training, monitoring and communication) to reinforce compliance by Bus Operators.
A Cybersecurity Investigation, also undertaken as a result of a report made to the Fraud and Waste Hotline, was tabled and presented in camera.
Full copies of the Review and Limited Review reports are available on the Auditor General’s website under Investigation and Review Reports.
For further information, contact:
(613) 580-9602
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