Auditor General launches a public survey for Ottawa residents and business owners
Ottawa – Today, Auditor General Nathalie Gougeon launched a public survey to obtain feedback related to the areas that Ottawa residents and business owners believe could benefit from an independent audit.
On an annual basis, as part of the Office of the Auditor General’s risk-based planning process, the Auditor General consults with key stakeholders as one of the key steps in determining what programs, services or projects to audit. New this year, as part of the stakeholder consultations, the Auditor General is seeking input from the public.
“This survey is aimed at helping our Office gain a better understanding of what programs, services and major projects Ottawa residents and business owners would like to see an extra set of eyes on”, said Mme Gougeon.
“The public feedback obtained will be one of many elements considered in the OAG’s determination of its recommended areas for audit in 2024’’, explained Mme Gougeon.
The survey will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete, and the results will be shared through the 2024 Audit Workplan being presented to the Audit Committee later this year. The survey will be accessible on the OAG’s Engage Ottawa page.
The survey will remain active until July 31, 2023.
For more information:
613 580- 9602
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