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Auditor General Tables 2024-2025 Audit Workplan, 2024 Budget and Cybersecurity Audit

Ottawa - Today, Auditor General Nathalie Gougeon tabled her 2024-2025 Audit Workplan. 

The 2024-2025 Audit Workplan, a multi-year work plan, identifies the audits currently in progress as well as new audits to commence in the coming years. The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) uses a risk-based audit planning process to establish audit priorities with the objectives of identifying and mitigating risks, to continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of City operations. Notable items on the 2024-2025 Audit Workplan include on-going audits of Affordable Housing, Climate Change Master Plan, and an Agile Audit of Lansdowne 2.0 Redevelopment Project. New audits set to commence in 2024-2025 include audits of the City’s Paramedic Services, Housing and Homelessness Services, Automated Speed and Red-Light Camera Enforcement Program, as well as an agile audit of the Light-Rail Transit. 

In addition, in response to a request made by the Ottawa Police Services Board, the OAG will be conducting a risk assessment of the Ottawa Police Service and selecting areas for audit.  

As part of determining the workplan objectives, the OAG also conducted a city-wide survey to help identify resident priorities. The top 3 areas of concern raised by members of the public included: Light Rail Transit Stage 2, Homelessness, and OC Transpo Route Scheduling. 

The Auditor General also spoke to her Office’s portion of the Audit Committee budget which was tabled today at Committee.  

The Auditor General tabled a Cybersecurity Audit report in a closed session. 

A full copy of the 2024-2025 Audit Workplan is available on the Ottawa Auditor General’s website at

For further information, contact: 
(613) 580-9602 

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Office of the Auditor General
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Ave West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1


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