Auditor General Tables Audit Report on Affordable Housing
Ottawa – Today, Auditor General Nathalie Gougeon tabled the Audit of Affordable Housing.
This report, which focuses on the policies, programs, and structures within the control of the municipality to increase new affordable housing units provides actionable recommendations for enhancing the Affordable Housing portfolio.
As per the report, the City of Ottawa has not been able to achieve its goals for new affordable housing units in recent years; this is mainly due to a lack of funding from all levels of government and capacity challenges in the housing development sector. The City, does, however, have structures, programs, and tools in place to advance its affordable housing portfolio.
The audit identified the need to formalize structures, such as the implementation of a cross-functional oversight body to govern affordable housing. This oversight body can further enhance stakeholder collaboration and expedite key affordable housing projects.
The audit identified additional areas for improvement including; the need to better leverage available tools to facilitate affordable housing development, reviewing the scope of the Affordable Housing Land and Funding Policy, and having greater clarity and consistency on the definition of affordable housing.
The report included 9 recommendations, all of which were agreed on by management.
A full copy of the report is available on the Auditor General’s website,
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