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Review of Job Evaluation Processes

Highlights from the Review of Job Evaluation Processes 

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Why we did this audit

As a result of a Fraud and Waste Hotline report, we conducted a review of the City’s job evaluation (or “JE”) processes for Management and Professional Exempt (MPE) employees. JE is the systematic process of establishing the relative value or worth of jobs within an organization. JE focuses on what is required to perform the job responsibilities and duties. The fundamental principles of JE are to ensure objectivity, independence and neutrality in the assessment of all jobs. 


What we found

We found that there is a need to strengthen the governance and control mechanisms within the JE function to ensure it supports objectivity and independence, while adhering to JE principles and best practices.


We made nine recommendations to ensure that:

  • a JE policy and framework is created that clearly outlines roles, responsibilities and authorities; 
  • a quality assurance process is formalized;
  • the Rating Committee process and composition supports the Committee’s role and consensus-based decision-making;
  • all interim rated jobs are reviewed and rated by the Rating Committee in a timely manner; 
  • a process and criteria for the treatment of exceptions (i.e., those jobs do not follow the standard process) are established;
  • a mechanism for enhanced oversight for internal Human Resources (HR) jobs is created; and 
  • a review of the MPE JE Plan is conducted and MPE jobs are periodically reviewed.

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